Quote Of The Day

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Business Intelligence

Wah O,o corporate bunyiknyer yer ala-ala keparat gituh hahaha.. bizi dik non..mencari detail infos about this BI. Actually mmg kerja-kerja den ada bersangkut paut dengan BI tapi tu la kata orang..buat kije dalam bidang tu..bila nak explain apa itu BI terkapai-kapai lak hehehe malu diri sendiri.I mean explaination in a proper way. 

So nak susun ayat-ayat tu kena la fahamkan bebtol apa itu BI and so on. Nowadays all of business people talking BI and how to make sure the biz getting bigger and bigger..growing process manjang menaik grafnya...so den nak jugak pastikan ilmu den ni tak statik..xmo la beku ala-ala frozen gitu..ok later on will share with you guys tentang Business Intelligence. Let me do my homework dulu..catch u later...thanx for reading this n3 ya! *___*


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